“You can be whatever size
you are, and you can be beautiful both inside and out. We’re always told what’s
beautiful and what’s not and that’s not right.” – Serena Williams
When I started working out and eating healthier, the
changes to my body became pretty noticeable to my peers after a while. It showed
in my face and in how the clothes that I used to wear began to drape over my
Do not allow society’s beliefs on what beauty ought to be,
make you change your beliefs about whom and what you are. Believe in yourself
no matter your size or shape.
At the same time, “when friends tell you how awesome you
look, drop the "I still have more to go" crap. You worked hard
and you deserve the compliment” (Jillian Michaels)!
A compliment is a compliment and almost like a gift so be appreciative of it.
Wherever you are and on the road to where you are going,
be happy and satisfied with that because you can only be you and no one else.
So be the best damn you that you can be.
“Biographies are but the
clothes and buttons of the man. The biography of the man himself cannot be
written. – Mark twain
It started the summer of 2012. I was set to sing at a
black tie affair and I needed a dress.
Sometimes your idea of your size is not the actual truth.
There is a coined term used when you are tardy for something you are fashionably
late. I guess it applies here because I was the only one who didn’t see that I
had started to explode. Who would have thought that person I saw as little was
bigger than I ever realized.
That is when I made the decision. I would not be going up
in sizes anymore but instead would find ways to change.
Change became drastic though and I was changing my
wardrobe about every two months. If you
are attempting weight loss and start to see success, do not run to buy a new
wardrobe just yet. It might look a little tacky, but wear what you have a little
big until you have no choice but to change. Wear belts to keep pants from
falling and/or get some fabrics taken in before having to go and spend money. Clothes
shopping when losing weight can become costly after a while. But if you wait
out the weight, you will be weighing in a wise decision. Fashion is just
fashion but style is in the way you carry yourself and wear it and even if it
is a little big, you can still make it look good.
“Bravery never goes out of
– William Makepeace Thackery
If you feel like braving the storm and it is in you to
get out there and start your fitness challenge, let nothing stop you, but also
be prepared to go into beast mode. While the stylish clothes I loved from
Ashely Stewart no longer fit, and my beautiful coifs were looking less and less
appealing due to sweating off the pounds and sweating out the perm, I had no choice but to
continue thrusting forward to do what I had to do.
Joan Rivers said that “diets, like clothes, should be
tailored to you.” Try getting on that treadmill or onto the track at your
nearest park and do intervals of walking, jogging and walking for about 30
minutes or so and your heart will be thanking you for each and every minute. Or
why not get onto that elliptical machine and bust out a three-mile glide? It might
seem a little boring at first if you are not used to it, but you are equipped
with all that is necessary to tailor your exercise routine to your liking and
make it fun. Fashion the instructor led group classes or even the free ones on
the Net. Just do it. But if you are going to work-out and plan to see true results,
make sure you are not eating the same old crap that got you to where you are
now. Fashion a new diet that you can fancy and stick with.
“Give a girl the right shoes
and she can conquer the world”
– Marilyn Monroe
By this, I hope you were thinking sneakers. Yes, wear a
good pair of sneakers that can support the heavy beating you are about to put
onto your feet. You want to avoid foot
pain and cramps and achiness and if you are wearing the incorrect shoe while
exercising, you will know just by the way your foot feels.
Look for sneaker stores in your area that examine your
old sneakers as well as study your foot in movement to determine what sneaker
is best for your foot. They then will
give you a visual idea of the support your foot needs and might even tailor
make one for you or point you to some of the sneaker brands you like that will
provide that support needed for your foot.
Starting a new lifestyle is fashioning a new attitude.
Something has made you want to change. Whether it was a circumstance and
illness or something that somebody said, you have come to that point in life
where you felt that it was necessary to. You now have two options. You can
complain about it and do nothing or you can get up and bust your ass trying to
make a difference in your own life. But only you can change you to a different
version of you that you might fancy more. Brave the change you made and claim
your own victories. Now fashion that!
I appreciate you stopping by to read my blog post and I truly hope that some of these things being discussed can be beneficial to you and your new lifestyle change that you have embarked on. While you have fashioned in a new mindset, I would like to also invite you to visit a few links that you might fancy.
Feedback is requested. If you found this post helpful, please let me know. And if you have some pointers that might be beneficial to others, please share because everybody is always looking for new and exciting ways to enhance their workout and diet experiences; including me!
See you soon!
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