Friday, March 25, 2016

Changing Seasons: From Indoor to Outdoor

Spring is the perfect time to step up your game and start changing your workout routine.

Maybe you can simply change from indoors to outdoors. 

And if you aren't currently working out, the season of change is the perfect time to start.  

So let's get it in. 

Here are a few outdoor workout ideas.

- Yoga on the lawn

- run or walk up and down and up and down the steps

- a walk or jog around the neighborhood school track 

- bike riding on the waterfront bike path 

- leave your car parked and walk instead 

- flashback in realtime to the past and jump a rope outside in the park

It's springtime. Let's get the changing of ourselves in and have fun doing it. I mean if it feels like a drag then what's the point. But if it is a drag to do something that is beneficial to you then your gut will be the point, pointing outwards. But no point in complaining for your own intent and purpose. 

By the way, thanks for pointing your mouse on my link and clicking to read my post. 

Happy spring! 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


The groundhog was right. Spring has arrived early. 

How joyous it is to be in such warm weather in the early days of March. Just don't let these days slip you by. 

Get out there and walk!

If great heart health is achieved by doing 30 minutes of cardio vascular exercise, then you should know that in just 30 minutes, you would have walked a mile and a half. 

Ditch the car and use your legs as wheels to get you around. Fast from public transportation for a day, put on your sneakers and let your legs get you there.

It's worth the heart pumping experience and watch your body thank you later.

Nothing link meditating to the sound of the wind and your feet hitting the pavement! Nothing like the one on ones with God. Nothing like loving your own heart and taking care of it! I mean, who better than you? Or rather, if not you, than who?