A stage was setup where Zumba and fitness classes were being held by Shakeup NYC, the New York Knicks Dancers and more; and all passers by could take part. In 20 minutes, not only did we work up a sweat shimmying and doing the quick foot among other dances, but we each burned over 100 calories. Can I say, ENERGY!!! Not bad for a quick workout that was also fun!
Add something different to your workout daily so that it doesn't start to wear off its effectiveness, become redundant and boring or make you lose interest. Zumba fitness adds that type of energy for me; different songs each time, a variety of dance moves and zumba's enjoyable nature.
Did you know that Emblem Health offers free fitness classes that is open to the public? You do not need to be enrolled in an expensive gym to workout. If you are interested in achieving a better lifestyle, visit http://www.ehnc.com for a full calendar of free health and fitness related events. Also, there are many free workout classes you can find on-line by accessing youtube. You'd be surprise at the quality of fitness classes offered that are full-length and very good.
It doesn't take much to get your fitness on. The key to it is just doing it!